Now that conservatives and Republicans are in full cry baby mode (they can't win elections, they can't influence policy, they can't hide their gay relationships...wait), the right is back huddled in the forest, talking to themselves and exploring new angles to answer the obvious question, "what went wrong?"
Enter Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood blog. Full disclosure: I went to high school with Breitbart and he was something of an oddball bully. He hung with a very rich, druggy crowd and always seemed mean-spirited but too high to really project it*. Later, I ran into him in New York in the early 90s and he seemed equally spaced out, but condescending and assholish.
Fast forward to a few years ago when he had become Matt Drudge's intern/bitch. Then he sets out on his own (doubtlessly with some of his rich parents' money) and starts a "news" website,, which seems to subsist on redirected traffic from the Drudge Report, presumably divvied up between him and Drudge. Fairly smart, actually. If all these know-nothing Republicans are going to look to intentionally distorted and misleading websites for their information, why not just make one up that gives them what they want? Why even bother redirecting to CNN or The New York Times, when you can paraphrase the stories with your own conservative slant and take the ad revenue?
Now the American right is in complete meltdown mode and scrambling for answers. Their worst nightmare has come true: average people (including people of color) are energized by politics. The country has shifted dramatically, the left has an enormously popular and charismatic leader in the President, and the Republicans look like a bunch of real-life Batman villains to most people. It's sort of over for them for a while.
But optimism (or whatever the right-wing version of that is) reigns and there are multiple silver bullet theories as to why they are so bad at winning elections lately. One of these is Breitbart's own: Big Hollywood (notice the blatant rip from the left's Big Tobacco label) is full of dumb liberals who influence an unwitting public through their wicked movie making. Never mind that celebrity endorsements in politics seem to have no discernible value and quite frequently hurt the people/causes they are meant to bolster. Never mind that issue films like "Fahrenheit 9/11", "Traffic" and "Syriana" completely failed to sway public opinion or subsequent elections. Ignore all that. It can't possibly be that the Republicans' ideas have utterly failed, damaged peoples' lives and hurt this country, finally leading people to vote differently. No it's just the fearsome influence of actors like Tim Robbins and Ed Begley, Jr. that has blinded the gullible American people.
You know what, Breitbart, you were always a bully, but I never thought you were particularly dumb. Things change, I guess.
* UPDATE: Breitbart has commented on this post and others and repeatedly denied doing any drugs in high school. I take him at his word.
Holding On
I remember the first time I held my daughter’s hand. She was just minutes
old, and I knew nothing about babies, so I was impressed to find that even
a newb...
7 years ago
He hung with a very rich, druggy crowd and always seemed mean-spirited but too high to really project it.
I think it was you who were high my friend. Projecting on to me your sickness. My friends at Brentwood were NOT the druggy crowd. In fact, they were the higher achieving types (though my grades sucked.)
I played both football and baseball. So drugs weren't a defining part of Brentwood -- at all. Though I did drink the occasional beer!
As for hanging out with the "very rich." It's difficult to attend Brentwood and NOT have wealthy friends. That said my best friends there were middle class by Brentwood standards.
You are not a particularly insightful or observant soul.
You continue to slander me with this "Andrew was a bully" nonsense. You've done it on Gawker many times. And this time you say I was too high to actually be the bully I want to be. Bizarre shit, dude.
In fact, posting malicious comments about me, libeling me (falsely accusing me of drug use,) using a blog that doesn't post your real name for accountability is BULLYING.
And rationalize this behavior because you clearly can't stand Republicans or conservatives. It's this petulant, immature, ill-informed and totalitarian-mindedness that fuels the Big Hollywood fire. You can't see how angry and hostile you are to other points of view.
You are intolerant.
You are the BULLY.
Forgive my slowness...i'm attempting to grasp his point. Hmmm. first of all, (directed to both parties) it's plainly clear, and you must forgive my brutal candor but I rarely mince words, the 'anonymous blogger' is a pussy. a coward. to set up a blog to bash someone from high school - what in the HELL does that say? Breitbart is my age! (i'm turning 42) that's holding quite the grudge! so you're either intimidated by him, in love with him, jealous as hell...a former lover (he's not gay so you're a chick which makes you extremely out of line as he's a family man) so what is it?
as for your politics and your nasty and retarded cracks about Republicans? who gives a shit what you think? who cares? you really are going to BLOG about someone from high school whose opinions bug you? guess what dildo...he makes alot more sense than YOU do!
note to self: jump onto Facebook and ask AB if he went to High School with Sean Penn or any of those other hollywood idiots that might have held a long term grudge.
Also remind Breitbart that when dipshit is talking about using drugs maybe he's talking about drinking, it's a drug.
So, back to the anonymous Pussy Obamatard - keep sucking down that koolaid, idiot. but don't think for a second that it makes your 'leader' an admirable person. 47 % of the country didn't vote for your New Muhammed. and your doofus Kenya born Black Jesus took the third biggest payout in the housing scandal to the tune of 93million dollars and is surrounded by the biggest group of RETARDS this side of the nuthouse in the history of the country. it's embarrassing. Even china won't buy our money. You need to shut your pie hole and get an education prior to posting another comment - please. you sound uneducated, angry and completely moronic. if you want to get back at Andrew, pick on his sports choices or something but his politics are right on and his values are great - he's a good guy -
sorry dude, you hide behind a key board, follow an idiot and that spells out DOUCHE NOZZLE.
Nic Fit,
I have to say that I am sorry that I found your blog... it is perhaps one of the most juvenile and ignorant wastes of internet space out there. You are clearly writing for the dozen or so close friends who cannot bring themselves to honestly tell you that you are no writer... and that your blog rants are simply, purely inane drivel. This is more like online therapy, with you saying things that would be better suited for your psychiatrist. You've got some heavy issues, sad boy. Some chick (or dude) lied to you and laid you with the notion that you are somehow a gifted thinker. Stick to manual labor, bro. You do not belong in a thinking man's world. Your writing is pure emotionalism that speaks more of your embarassing lack of intellect than it does of your deep, grand insights. Seriously, see a shrink and leave all this hateful petty masterbation to your sad lonely private time with porn.
Thanks for reading everyone!
Wow glad I'm not you dude .. hope Andrew is a forgiving guy and doesn't ring his lawyer after that rant.
WOW Nic Fit-
Talk about Grudge -
Breitbart has turned himself into the next "King of All Media"- and YOU are just a Kool-Aid drinking schmuck-
Good luck with your Messiah.
Is it personal?
Is it jealousy?
Is it politics?
Who knows and who gives a rat's ass.
Breitbart must be a very lonely soul on the left-coast-
And he shouldn't be putting up with the likes of your sorry ass.
I wish him and his lawyers well.
(Hey Annie- your comments were great- I couldn't even start to compete!)
J.W., you did just fine! and there's plenty of us 'crazy' conservatives out here in southern california! some of us know how to say 'no' to koolaid!! I quit abusing chemicals a long time ago! lol...once you grow up, have a family and figure out that there is a 'world' beyond your 'hair' products and the day after tomorrow, you wake up quickly. that was...oh, twelve years ago?
truly don't understand the mentality of liberals - it's so self serving and hypocritical. If people focused more on working their asses off, focused on responsibility, accountability, traditional values and social compassion - none of it would even be a point.
I'd just like to remind the "conservative" who is hoping for my sake that Breitbart doesn't "call his lawyers" that my personal recollections and opinions are protected speech under First Admendment to the United States Constitution. It's an interesting document. You should read it sometime...
I'd like to remind NIK FIT that hidden or not that freedom of speech does NOT cover libel and slander.
Wow! Isn't amazing how conservatives who supposedly hate trial lawyers so much are so quick to call for libel and slander lawsuits the minute someone posts something on point and true about one of their own!
I won't bother explaining the definitions of libel and slander here or explain why this post constitutes neither.
you're an idiot. don't you have a freeway to play in?
I love how YOU, Nikit- don't even realize how your rights, liberties, freedom o speech and the Constitution will be taken away from you- thanks to your dear Socialist- and his minions.
Good luck- idiot!
Love to Princess Pelosi
Barney Fwank
Chris Dodd and all the other thieves in the Democrat party.
you my friend.... are a moron
Andrew is right about you. Your observational skills are sorely lacking.
He is NOT a bully. He is in fact a pathological narcissist, himself long victimized by left-leaning West-Los Angeles elitists who failed to enshrine him with the proper attention while he was growing up.
Once again, liberal tyranny has failed to see past itself.
Who needs a lawyer when you have someone (like me) who is a geek- and can capture IP addresses and find out who idiots are?
I love my work!
Thanks Nic Fic- have a joke, smoke and a TOKE-
And expect a knock on the door shortly.
You cannot think the internet will let you get away with this- there are laws.
And YOU have been caught!
Question for anonymous lawyer guy: Is it cool for ol' Andy to sick his followers on this person the way he has? Might that be considered bullying? I mean, we're spending 100 large to on that stupid Matt Damon dare. Andy's rich, even though he was adopted, but legal costs kind of add up. Should we just stand down on this one and go back to thinking up names to call Obama? Just kicking the tires. Hope the stimulus fails and we all go to the poor house just like you.
Oops, my bad, you are not an anonymous lawyer. You're just an anonymous goober threatening someone by claiming you can hack into Blogger's server system. You diabolical conservative mastermind! My bad. I'll stand down now until Andy tells me what to do next.
Go make something helpful. Go do something worthy. Get a job that supports something truthful and necessary in this world.
You can be better. Try it.
Probably should take the page down- from what I have read.
What a jerk!
I am sure that Breitbart has all he needs to prosecute.
You wanted "Hope and Change?"
You got it- Toyota!
I love people getting taken down-
Anon has it right about your IP address.
Any "slug" can figure that crap out.
Stick a fork in it- Over Done!!
And YOU voted for this crap-
Karma is a bitch!
Oh, would you just get over yourself. Andruw Jimmy Brentwoodbart is an all-purpose public duechebag. Nic can call him whatever he/she wants to. Sorry, but that really is the law. He's on TV, internet, print, cave drawings... He totally puts it out there, 24/7. Fair game. Media law 101 -- call his giant fu&*&ing rich, conservative, West Los Angeles, Drudge/daddy/all-the-newspapers-and-wire-services-he-aggregates/steals-from-floated family funny names without fu*&ing fear of legal reprisal. Ever. Somebody should do that every day to this bloated, egomaniac f%^&er. Ol' Andy is prolly still in New Mexico right now, sleeping off a dozen warm rum drinks, wondering if he should take a Viagra and try to f*&^ S*&ie for the first time in six months. (Find me!!!) And you're picking on some blogger, cuz Brentwoodbart told you to, dishing out lame threats about how you're a geek and you'll hunt them down. F*%$ you, retard! (See, not PC, just the way you like it.) If the Grand Old Party needs fresh ideas, they ain't gonna come from you Kool-Aid-drinking piece of Rush Limbaugh's infected stool. Go stick a flag pin up your a*&.
Hey Anonymous Stool!
You are hysterical!
Keep on with it.
Learn to spell or sober up.
Or I will get you a bunk with Henrietta Hughes and Julio Idiot in Florida.
Put down the Kool Aid s-heads.
Oh, did I misspell "Susie"? My bad.
How pissed are you- LIBTARD?
This is too fun!
Keep tweaking the idiots, Andrew!
How's Pelosi doing in Italy?
Hope the Pope snubs her nub.
hey - half/mast, go to Hugo's on Coldwater's, order a plate of organic brown rice/w a plate of black beans and a 1/2 chicken breast. serve with black currant tea/w lemon and honey.
this should clean you out.
yes, you are full of shit and need a good cleansing. the fiber will help.
I generally make it a rule not to take colonic advice from fat chicks who have the time to blog on Valentines Day. But the chicken and rice does sound yummy.
Oh, and f&%$ you too Andy for sending your stupid white friends here.
Love it Annie.
But he/she/it should be entitled to Pepto or some other yucky thing.
Like that shit you have to take for a coloscopy.
Then- slurp it up.
Some people have husbands who died in 9/11 asshole.
Hey Cool Pillow:
Blow me with your 9/11 bullshi^. Go suck Dennis Miller's flacid, fearful coc#.
Friends: to recover in an action for slander or libel (in this case, Libel), the public figure (in this case, Mr. Breitbart) need only prove that the defendant (in this case, Nic Fit) knew that the defamatory statement was false or had serious doubts as to its truth. Peace out, yo!
hmmm. alot of insults. sounds like community collegeboy lost his hard on. So i'm a fat white girl (and a dumb one) because i'm using a computer on valentine's day?) maybe it's possible i've been married seventeen years and my husband is playing x-box with my son...and valentine's day is kind of overblown and stupid and commercial, especially when we treat each other decently every day of the year? but you wouldn't know about that especially when you're used to dating 900 numbers and typing with one hand and having your mother spray and wash the shit stains out of your shorts.
nope,try again - that's pretty much what i eat.
dumb? not even close. i'd blow you out of the water. signing off now, we've all proved our point - you're a waste of time.
Oooh, check out lawyer Goodwill here. "Peace out, yo!" What a fu^%head.
We get what we deserve in this life. And for your husband of 17 long years, that's X-Box and straight to bed. As for me, the 900 numbers are open all night!!!
Good call taking Big Hollywood's advice tonight, eh!
Blow me?
When was the last time YOPU lost a loved one in a terror attack asshole?
Wow its pretty obvious that you WISH you were ANDREW BREITBART and are insane with jealousy at his success. Who cares if he came from Brentwood or if he came from MARS, he is fighting you freaks out in the open and not hiding behind an anonymous blog. It's actually embarassing that you even took the time to write this garbage. You liberals don't have Bush to kick around anymore so now you are going after anyone who disagree's with your messiah. Just remember, he who laughs last, laughs longest and you have no sense of humor. Most liberals don't.
Hey Cool Pillow:
I actually had good friends who worked for Canter Fitzgerald and died on September 11, 2001. And if their ghostly presences could make themselves heard to me, they'd say, "Please do something to shut these fearful, hysterical weasels up. They're going to destroy us all by making 9/11 an issue when it isn't. Like, say when some conservative media windbag who's on vacation in New Mexico wants to pick on somebody they're mad at by calling on bunch of his stupid followers to do his dirty work."
I think they mean you specifically.
Liberals don't have a sense of humor.
My money-YOUR money.
And Pelosi
They have their Messiah- and the house and the senate.
I want to know how many libtacrds have put down the Kool Aid- and know what we have got.
Nobody read the freakin bill!
Lovely anon- you gutless a-hole.
Sorry you lost friends at Cantor Fitz.
I don't believe you but- that's okay.
I will pray for your soul
I'll tell you one thing, if I didn't have this head cold, and Nancy Pelosi told me to blast some blogger I didn't even know because she was "slandered," I'd tell her to fu%$ off. But hey, Andruw Britbart is your God. Losers.
Cool Pillow:
Here's the thing that makes this country of ours great: I don't care what you believe and don't believe.
Here's the thing that makes this country of ours not so great. You shouldn't be able to vote.
Good thing you're marginalized. Good night.
Yes, I am a lawyer. And you are a DOUCHE NOZZLE.
Hey Jew lawyer:
Eat my liberal balls.
Hey Anon-
I don't care if you are a lawyer (most of those idiots say they are attorneys- so I bet you are a LIAR)
Good Night
Sleep Tight
Don't let the bed bugs bite-
If you ARE a JEW- pray for your people, because you are really STUPID if you think Obama is going to stand for you.
God Bless Netentahu
While BHO and ACH-midinajad figure out how to kill Isreal.
Good night, sweetheart, goodnight.
Yeah, stupid liberal Jew Isreal-hating lawyer! Go fu^% yourself with Andruw Bigbart's co$#.
Love these Lib-Tards.
Drink your Kool Aid and hit the sack J=O
Yeah, no Jew libtard lawyer is going to tell us we're too stupid to govern. We already know that. Stupid libutards.
It's clear that the liberal bunch are grasping at very fine and old threads, merely hanging on by the last decaying fiber that will hold their party some power. The next four years will prove their recklessnes. It is evident, that your idiotic rantings are trying to disparage the individual that is exposing your pathetic party's lies and toxic policies, that will drive our country from the greatness it was, to the third world country status it so seeks. God help us!
Guess what Bryan White??? You are not anonymous anymore. You grew up in LA, you live in NYC now, in the Village. You're a DJ and did freelance work for Scholastic last summer and fall for three months. You went to NYU Film School in the late 80s/early 90s. You need to lose a few pounds and you hate to work, you just want to make enough to get by.
So you might as well put your real name when you go around blogging like a baby. ;)
More info: The blog earlier says he is pushing 40. That would mean he was in my grade. And there was no 'Bryan Wright' in, or near, my class of 72. There was one guy named 'Bryan' in my class for a short time (one or two years). He was a rock musician and didn't fit that well at Brentwood (not necessarily a bad thing. The school could be stultifying, especially for creative types.) And I LIKED him. Saw him play at FM Station and the Anti-Club. It would be sad (2 on a 1-10 scale sad) if it were him.
Breitbart: it probably IS him.
she's likely nailed it. bastard lied about his age, men do that. you think he wants to admit (to himself) that he's aging? it's usually women that accept that we're aging first. I put down my real age, not 39, i'm turning 42.
and yes, you liked him and me was probably nice...but seething inside with jealousy. it says volumes about your maturity and kindness and it's sad about him. I actually feel for the guy. especially how it must have eaten him up after this many years. here's a thought - write about it and turn it into a jack black dark comedy type of thing - make millions of bucks and still sue his white trash ass.
now to the pigs who are posting:
quit with the anti-semitism, it's uncool. please stop talking smack about Israel, jews and conservatives. you guys need to find something positive and more life-enhancing to do - go work on a community project. anything. hold crack babies in a hospital or something. this is not a productive use of your time.
Breitbart has done nothing except make a success of himeself and raise a family with his wife. no he is not a 'God' and whether or not he believes in God is his business so shut your pie holes. he is a private citizen. what is with the love/slam fest, anyway? who gives a shit? what, do you have voo doo dolls and his old gym shorts that you are sniffing or something? you are some strange cookies over there.
Get a life! lots to do in this world more important than worry about what AB is doing, frickin stalkers! jeez!! he's a decent person, go away!! (go to an obama rally, touch his cloak and he'll magically 'heal' you! it worked for the black lady! he might even buy you a house!!! :)
Wow Annie, 42. I once had quarter that old. You're still a lot of fun, though.
And Andy, are you really going with the assumption that I'm Nic Fit? Comforting, I suppose, given the alternative. That's just the kind of mindset that's going to get you through these next eight years!
Actually, this rant falls under "Internet Stalking" and depending on the state where this person resides, could constitute jail and or prison time. LDM
You're on Nic's blog, not the other way around.
You're a goofball.
Hey Nitwit this is hysterical!!!
3:16 PM on Fri Jan 9 2009
Ah the quirky awkwardness of people known by lots of people meeting.
I, for one, value my anonymity :-(
Is that really you pretty boy in the Jerry Seinfeld puffy shirt???
No, I've got my "Reagan Country" T-shirt on today. I'm trying to pass for one of Andy's Facebook friends. I figure all I have to do is wear that and fawn on him.
Listen peabrain, I've been reading all of your witty comments. No wonder you can't afford a nice bottle of wine, you spend all your time going around making stupid comments all day.
How about you get yourself off of unemployment and actually get another job. That little gold star award you got, the one you are so very proud of, won't pay your electric bill.
Or you could be at the library using their computer because your electric already got turned off. I have some advice for you. If you work real hard, good things will come your way.
Hey Theresa, isn't Atlantic City kind of like a scummier Las Vegas? I guess you must work nights and you have time to mess around on blogs all day.
Nic Fit:
If you want me to go away -- and, in turn, have these fun-loving people go away -- just say the word. Otherwise, lets defend your turf from this villainous hoard of goofballs.
Thank you very much for reading and commenting on this blog. Please bookmark this blog for updates of political opinions and reactions to posts on the Big Hollywood blog. Don't forget that I love all of you.
Hey, check it out, Andy, the guy has way more class than you...
bryan is a loser. a far left pinko liberal who is as clueless as all the rest
Statistically speaking, the 64th post is usually made by someone concealing their homosexuality. But hey, this is the new, young, technologically adept conservative movement. They're OK with that.
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